Wednesday, December 7, 2011

boots to asses

yeah so my day started great, halfway to work and I get a phone call from the wife.  Apparently the teenage douchbages at the bus stop outside my house decided to hang out on my porch at 630 in the morning and smoke cigarettes while waiting for there bus.  of course my dog went ballistic and it scared this shit out of the wife.

I know I was there age once and I didnt have the respect for people either but there is really nothing you can say to these little asshole because they think they rule the world.  God it pisses me off to no end how ignorant the little bastards can be.  Whats funny is they waited for me to leave the house before they moved up to my deck. smart on they're part.

Now I could go out tomorrow and yell and scream at them but it would do no good, I would walk away and they would just laugh it off.  So there really is no getting my point across.  SO that brings me to the question, what can I really do, call the police, call the school, there not going to be there all the time to watch them, so really its probably going to happen again.  Of course if I talked to they're parents they are going to give me the old, "My kid would never do such a thing".

And that brings up another point, How can parents be so fucking ignorant to the fact that there kids are probably going to be just as much as an asshole as they were growing up.  I know what my kids going to be like, I was a major asshole in my teenage years.  So does that make me a hypocrite, am I a hypocrite because I would have probably done the same thing when I was there age?  If that were the case then everyone is a hypocrite, parents that smoked weed and then dump on the kids because they got caught with it, parents who castrate there teens for drinking when there parents were alcoholics in they're teenage years.  Everyone is a hypocrite, myself included.  So what is to be done about the generation behind us, do we just continue the path we are once again on, letting them make there mistakes, punishing them, then letting them loose on the world to do it all over again? 

Fuck it, I say lets go old school, lets settle things, if they deserve an ass kicking, then give them an ass kicking. obviously there is anger in my words, but why not, if the little dicks would have fell at my house and hurt themselves guess who would have been responsible...

WTF is wrong with people, of course they are going to tell me to just deal with it.  Oh and if they go crying to there parents and they have a problem then whatever, I got no problem putting boots to asses.

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